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Frequently Asked Questions

How does work?

We are constantly searching the most recent auctions in popular categories. Using simple criteria (less than 1 dollar, less than 1 hour), lists for each category are displayed and constantly updated with great deals.

Are there really great bargains to be found?

Yes! Well, to be truthful, many of the items that are selling for less than 1 dollar are worth that much, but due to misspellings, bad timing, minimal interest, and other factors, there are often great buys available.

Why are offers listed as 1 dollar sometimes actually more expensive when I click on the link to the auction?

As soon as we find an offer that meets the criteria, it is displayed. If, after being discovered, the price on the item goes up, this change is not reflected in our lists. In order to search as many offers as possible, we can't revisit past discoveries. Besides, the great majority of auctions that are still at $1 within 60 minutes stay that way until the end.

What about Shipping and Handling Charges?

Unfortunately, a lot of sellers use Shipping and Handling in order to make a profit on otherwise low-priced items. We display S&H whenever they're available, but remind users to please double-check the costs before placing a bid.

How many bargains are usually available?

Most auctions end between noon and 8pm, eastern standard time, because that's usually when people post them. During those peak hours, we often find thousands of bargains. In the wee hours of the morning, there are fewer available, but these are often some of the best!

Is a free service?

Yes, we provide a free listing of the current deals on eBay, and do not charge users any fee for using it. There are no membership costs, and we do not ask users to register or share any information with us. But of course, if you've found a great deal by using our lists, we'd love to hear about it!

Is lastminute-auction coming to my country?

Possibly! We're working on getting as many international versions rolled out as soon as we can. If you'd like to be notified when a specific country is available, please send us an email.

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